Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Exploring new techniques

“embracing diversity” 24x12x22 - cast polyester resin, engraved and painted poplar wood construction,  
bob freitas, 2016 (Interaction Series)

Human evolution studies indicate that working with others helped early people survive.  Their brains evolved to cope with the social complexities of human development and population growth.  Once greater levels of intelligence evolved, cooperation expanded to larger groups of people who shared common beliefs, religious practices, political beliefs and other ideologies.  As groups evolved concepts of race, ethnicity and national identity developed resulting in diversity among the human population.

 To survive we need to accept and respect the diversity that is our heritage and respect each individual as being unique.  We learn from yesterday, study the present and shape the future to understand each other and move beyond simple tolerance by embracing and celebrating our rich diversity.  

 The elements selected in this composition involve two upright structures that contain two faces looking at each other with different engravings on the structures representing two different ideologies or points of reference about the world. They are bound together in time and space with the three rings representing the past, present and future.