10, 2014 - April 20, 2014

Exhibition Overview
A contemporary art
exhibition that explores the notion of contact as it
relates to the Hawaiian Islands, its people,
and their experiences. Contemporary artists of all ethnicities and ages delve
into a variety of contact-inspired messaging. Accompanying the exhibition is a
program of talks and film that encourages audiences to "make contact"
with other opinions and perspectives. Opens April 10, 2014 Honolululu Museum of Art, Linekona School 1111 Victroria St. Honolulu , Hawaii
Jurors: Lawrence Seward and Jon Staub
Sponsored by the Maoli
Arts Alliance (MA‘A), an initiative of the Pu‘uhonua Society, with assistance
from ii gallery, Na Mea Hawai‘i, and the PROP Foundation.
Information: Maile
Meyer, maile@nativebookshawaii.com; Marla Musick, momi.nativebooks@gmail.com.
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